Post-competition evaluation: success?

13177986_1207325329278627_5832490837199283392_nA few weeks ago I wrote a post about the pre-competition 1 month challenge I set for myself.
Now one month later it is time to reveal the results!

First of all, the main point: I participated to the Belgian championship synchronized swimming (18+) and I didn’t drown!  Continue reading

No more water polo for girls in Belgium


Just venting my frustration…

The Belgian Swimming Federation (KBZB) just forbade mixed teams in water polo youth competitions. But in teeny-weeny Belgium, most swimming clubs don’t have enough girls to form a full all-female team! That means that those girls – formerly playing in mixed teams – are no longer allowed to participate in competitions! 

Their reason? They want “to protect the integrity of the girls” because the “physiological differences” would become to big and this would pose problems. This really made me think of the recent debate concerning girls’ dress code in schools.  ⇒ The guardian  Continue reading

Pre-competition: 1 month challenge

529141_201976529917652_1886550588_nHi guys!
In about one month I will participate to the Belgian Championship Synchronized Swimming age group 18+. But let me tell you, I’m totally not ready for it. I have been so busy with university life, exams, coaching my team of 10-year-olds, Korean evening classes etc. that I simply couldn’t find the time and energy to go to the pool. As 1st May is getting closer, I realized I only have a few weeks left to get myself fit again. Continue reading

Synchro & Kpop: Yiruma and Super Junior

Hey everyone ❤

These days I’ve been working quite hard on my new synchronized swimming technical duet. I’m having so much fun and my new duet partner is so nice. I didn’t do a lot of sports in the past few months, so every time I’m in the pool, my arms feel like… spaghetti strings… you know what I mean? 😀


To keep myself motivated, I often watch video’s in which my arms aren’t like spaghetti strings. I almost feel jealous looking at “the me I used to be”. I really hope I will be able to get fit soon again so that I can keep up with my duet partner (she’s pretty damn good).

The video I am sharing is from 2014 (but I started to swim this choreo in 2011). As I really love Super Junior, I decided to use “One Fine Spring Day” by Kim Ryeowook. I just love his voice so much. And so did the rest of the swimming club. Although they do not speak any Korean, everybody was always trying to sing along.
I combined Ryeowook’s song with some very famous piano music from Yiruma. I started to listen to Yiruma when I was 13 and since then, I knew that one day I would be swimming a solo using his music. “River flows in you” is indeed very famous, but I think less people know the version in which Kim Ruvin is singing.

Anyway, here we go… please tell me what you guys thing about it 🙂

Lots of Love