New theme!

Today I decided to get a new theme for this blog. I’ve been using the Pachyderm theme for the past few months and I got so many nice responses because of it. Yet I felt like I wanted some change.

I went with the Sela theme this time, but I’m not sure yet whether I’m completely satisfied. It isn’t as cute as my previous theme but the colours are brighter and I think it looks a bit nicer like this.

What do you think about it?


Nominated for the Liebster award


Thank you Jham from nailsbyhoneycrunch321 for nominating me for the Liebster award!!! It was a lovely “100 followers” present hehe ❤ Check out her great blog full of awesome nail art!

As Jham wrote in her nomination, the Liebster Award is a fun way to recognize and promote new up and coming blogs of a good standard with less than 200 followers. By answering questions readers can get to know the blogger in a more personal way. 🙂

Here are the rules:
⊗ Thank the blog that nominated you and link back to them.
⊗ Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you.
⊗ Tell readers 11 random facts about yourself.
⊗ Nominate up to 11 bloggers to receive the award next. Give your new nominees questions to answer about themselves when they post their nomination.

My nominations

Thank Korean

mdw photo art


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Safe in Brussels

I’m safe at home in Brussels…

Luckily my boyfriend left home early and walked to his work instead of taking the subway. So he is safe as well.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

Lots of Love

Happy 2016! How would you say it?

Happy New Year everyone! In my language (Dutch, aka Nederlands) we would say “Gelukkig Nieuwjaar”. How would you wish someone a happy new year in your language? ^^


Ik wens jullie allen een gelukkig en vreugdevol jaar toe.
I wish you all a happy and joyful year. 

Vol liefde en vriendschap.
Full of love and friendship
Mooie momenten en leuke verrassingen.
Beautiful moments and good surprises. 
Gezondheid voor jezelf en je geliefden.
Health for you and your loved ones.

Lots of Love

New Year’s poem: Creaking under winter’s weight

Breakfast for refugees

Hey there ^^

Last Friday I was finally able to go volunteering at the North Station in Brussels. That’s where the department for Immigration Affairs is and every day people start queuing there around 5 am (the office only opens at 8.30 I believe). Together with an organisation and other university students we helped by distributing tea and coffee and handing out bread, biscuits, fruits and yogurt. Some other students also interviewed refugees.

Although I often sign petitions for Greenpeace and Amnesty International and I donate monthly to the Belgian department of Doctors of the World, an NGO whose vision

is of a world in which vulnerable people affected by war, natural disasters, disease, hunger, poverty or exclusion get the healthcare they need regardless of income or status. (Doctors of the world – UK)

I still didn’t feel like I was really doing something…
But by visiting the refugees last Friday morning, I somehow felt like I was helping for real. I know that serving people breakfast isn’t anything special, but I just got a really good feeling after seeing their smiles and talking to them. Their stories are unbelievable and I realized even more than before how lucky I am to be born in a safe place. I will definitely try to go and help there every week from now on (even though I’m really bad at getting up early 🙂 ) I’m really happy that my flatmate asked me to join her that day.

Lots of Love


Introducing my new friend on Couple Tee


Hey everyone! I hope all of you are doing well ^^

Just a short post to introduce my new companion on Couple Tee and Tricycle. In line with the Pachyderm theme I’m currently using…

*pam-pam-pamm* It’s…

귀없지만 귀여운 기린
My lovely little friend Giraffe Girin 😀


Lots of Love ❤

Review: Suffragette

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share my thoughts on the film “Suffragette”. I went to the première in Brussels 2 weeks ago and I really loved it. Although at many points I felt very frustrated, sad and even angry, it is such a beautiful film. I think the acting was great Suffragette_posterand the story highly relevant.

The film tells the story of 24-year-old Maud Watts and how she became one of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement in England. The film stars Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne-Marie Duff, and Natalie Press.

I don’t want to give too many spoilers, but I do want to say a few things about it 🙂

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